Monday, September 13, 2010

My very first review of a product....

I am so excited!  I won some beauty products from Zagora.  She is on facebook as Zagora and also on etsy as  I have to say that these products are awesome!  They are all natural and feel amazing to your skin.  She sent me an exfoliating salt scrub, lip balm, and eye cream.  Let me just say that I will definitely be ordering more of the salt scrub.  It has such a nice smell and really makes your skin feel amazing.  The lip balm is really great too.  It has a great smell and taste too, lol.  I also like the eye cream.  If anyone is in need of some beauty products, please give Angela at Zagora a try! 

How is everyone today?  Today has been a very productive day.  Let me just say that I am ready for Thursday and you know what they say.....Hell hath no fury.......

Let me also ask you a question.  Does your kids run through the house like little banshees?  I mean, seriously, where do they get this energy from?  Also, my oldest is the most destructive kid ever!  She tore her curtains down and rips the covers off her bed.  I seriously am at a loss as to how to restore some order and organization to my house.  Should I give up on this until they move out?  The youngest is not so bad, but man, my oldest is going to be a demolition woman when she grows up!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a fabulous day! 

1 comment:

  1. I love a good Salt Scrub! Just found them on FB and told them you sent me!
