Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm exhausted!!

Today I was a substitute teacher for my youngest, Estella's, 3 year old class at school.  For the most part, the day was good, but there were a few naughty little ones and one of them was Estella!  I think that she was just out of sorts because I was there.  She ended up throwing a cupcake and a jug of red juice across the room, ummm NICE.  She usually does not act like this at school, but since mommy was there she decided to let it all hang out today.  I really have a new admiration for teachers because man, they go through alot to teach our rugrats daily!

So how are my awesome bloggers today?  I am going to crash early tonight, seriously.  Please keep reading because exciting things are coming to my blog, YAY!!!!!

Bobbie Jo


  1. Just wanted to let you know I tagged you on my Blog.. check it out...
    Melanie a/k/a Crazy Mom at 2Boys+1 Girl = One Crazy Mom
    Happy Saturday...

  2. Estella is adorable and I am sure it was nice to be able to spend the day with her:)

    I found you on Mombloggersclub:) Thought you might like to know!


  3. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Love your blog.
    Have a nice day!
